Open Source should be translated on GitHub
For the past few years I’ve been working on Unciv, an otherwise unremarkable remake of Civ V.
However, in its accessibility of translations, the possibility space of its mods, and the relationship between them, we have streamlined our process to near-perfection.
In short, translating with Github allows everything we’re used to for PRs: Collaboration and Approval, History, Testing (yes!), etc.
It also allows us to auto-generate translation lines from our code, which is especially important if we want our user-inputted data (in our case, mods) to get the translation treatment as well.
The translation process
Surely this is a solved problem? Source text + language = translated text, put it in a file so the game can read it. What makes us different from, for example, Firaxis?
The most significant difference is that this is an open-source game, which means our process for translators has to be as Simple and Newbie-Friendly as possible.
Since the translations are open-source, translators are both amateurs and not obligated to translate, so if translating is difficult, they simply won’t.
Amateurs can make mistakes, which is why it’s vital that mistakes are easy to spot. That means that formats like “translation key” — e.g. DIPLOMACY_GREETING = Siamo lieti di fare la vostra conoscenza.
are much less effective than A pleasure to meet you. = Siamo lieti di fare la vostra conoscenza.
This format lends itself both to easier translation (it's immediately obvious what needs to be translated) and actual collaboration.
Why not use a translation website?
A common suggestion that we get (by people with little familiarity with the project) is to “use a website for translation”. This is not bad advice for a small open source game, but there are multiple disadvantages that currently no translation website provides enough advantage to outweigh:
- Testing. Currently, translations undergo a number of tests for verification — more on that later! This allows some language changes to be accepted and others not, and it’s all in the same platform with the same tests. External translation tools don’t allow for this.
- History and revisions. This is what Git was made for, there’s nothing else like it.
- Release cycle. We release versions semiweekly, and if we needed to upload changes to the translation website for every in-game change, and download them for every release, that’s extra work. For some websites this is automate-able — for most it is not.
- Discussions. Most crowdsourcing translation websites don’t allow for discussions and corrections on translations. Github makes every translation collaborative work.
- Mass changes. If we’re changing the source of the translation but want to keep the various destinations (say, we change “Gold from trade routes +[amount]%” to “+[amount]% Gold from trade routes”), if all the translation files are in Git we can do that in 1 minute. If it’s external, this varies greatly.
Previous Mistakes
The current system is the result of much trial and error. Here are some ways where we managed to go wrong at first:
- Putting all languages into the same file (“one big translation dictionary”) — when multiple people edit this file for different languages, they can conflict with each other. Separate to different files for simpler management.
- Using json — json is great for machines, but less so for humans, who can easily make mistakes. Json format is surprisingly finnicky, miss a closing “ and the whole file is now unreadable. Your translators are not coders!
The format we decided to go for is one file per language, delimited by “ = “ for visual separation, in a .properties file. Lines starting in # are considered comments, so we can add comments for translators.
Building the translation files
As stated, Unciv releases versions semiweekly, and very often these changes include new objects or new UI elements. How do we keep all translation files up to date?
In Unciv, all object data is stored in json format. This allows us to iterate on all objects, regardless of type, and extract the various text fields (strings or lists of strings). We avoid duplication by saving all translation texts we’ve already added, and use the existing translations to populate the “value” for each translation “key” we found in the json files.
Since we rebuild the entire translation file every time, there’s currently no way for translators to retain their own comments for future translators. But on the other hand, since for each line that we add we already know if it’s translated or not, this allows us to add a # Requires translation
line before every non-translated line, which helps translators for languages that are almost fully translated to easily locate the new or changed terms for translation with ctrl+f (and of course this marking will disappear the next time we rebuild the file).
Since there are UI texts that are not part of any specific object (like “Start new game”), we have a separate file for texts to translate that are not in the json files. Unlike adding objects, where the developer doesn’t need to address the translation files at all since it’s all linked, when adding UI elements with new texts devs need to remember to add the texts to file.
Translation placeholders
This is all well and good for specific text-to-text translations, but what about translating “A Temple has been built in Rome”? The same template could potentially be any building name, or any city name!
We do this with placeholders, which looks like: [construction] has been built in [cityName] = [cityName] ha costruito [construction]
. As you can see, the placement of parameters can change between languages, so we have to name all parameters distinctly.
This also means that there can be explicitly wrong translations — if any parameter that appears in the source does not appear in the translated version, we won’t be able to display this in-game! This is one of the translation tests that we mentioned earlier — when a translator opens a PR, the game undergoes build & test via the Github Actions, and will notify on failures.
To translate a text like “[Temple] has been built in [Rome]”, therefore, we need to:
- Find the relevant translation. We do this by erasing all text between square brackets in input and finding the relevant translation text to “[] has been built in []”.
- Map placeholder names to input text using the source and translation texts (construction = Temple, cityName = Rome)
- Replace placeholders in translation with TRANSLATED input text. In
[cityName] ha costruito [construction]
, replace "[cityName]" with translation of "Rome", and "[construction]" with translation of "Temple", to get “Roma ha costruito Tempio
Working with placeholders, instead of “real” translation engines, means that we lose a lot of the language nuance. Parameters interfere with normal grammatical flow in languages like German and Greek that have grammatical noun cases, many languages have noun genders that change the verbs used for them, and many other finer points of language are lost. But this is a tradeoff that we make for simplicity, where — for nearly 5000 terms to be translated — extra work for inputting all these edge cases could put off many potential translators.
Translating mod data
The translation generation reads information from “a ruleset”, i.e. the set of jsons defining the game’s objects. Every mod is also a ruleset, either replacing or adding to the base ruleset defined in the game.
This means that the same translation generation that we do for the base game can also be applied to mods, and so each modder can decide (from within the game) to generate translation files for his mod.
Since mods are uploaded to Github to be widely available as part of the mod release methodology, translators will be able to translate those files the exact same way that they translate Unciv’s base ruleset.
Moddable unique effects
Every object in Unciv can include “uniques” — a list of strings, each granting a unique effect that is not applicable for every object of its type.
For example, the Palace building has the unique “Indicates the capital city”, and the settler has the unique “Founds a new city”. This allows us to share effects between multiple units, and to avoid hardcoding and allow modders to add any effect to any object.
Here too, we encounter the problem of “generic” uniques — how can we have these effects grant a building, some stats, etc, using the same unique for all objects? Why, with placeholders, of course!
For example, one building has “Requires a [Library] in all cities”, where “Library” can be replaced with any other building for similar effects. We can then extract the parameters from the unique at runtime, to know how to resolve the unique’s effects.
Since the translation template is the same as the unique template, these uniques are instantly translatable as well!
We do have a slight problem, though — since translation texts come directly from the json files, and the json files have “Requires a [Library] in all cities”, how do we tell the translators not to directly translate “Library” but the take the parameter name verbatim?
Well, 95% of translation parameters fit nicely into a certain type — units, buildings, techs, terrains etc. So we can search for an object with than name, and since we find a Library building, we can put “Requires a [buildingName] in all cities = “ as our translation line.
As time went on, we noticed that many of our “uniques” weren’t so unique after all. Many were the same but with slightly different conditions. One affects all cities, one only coastal cities, and one only the city the building is built in. One affects Mounted units, one affects wounded units, one affects all water units, etc. We started compiling these conditions into “filters”, which limited the number of uniques while expanding their range considerably.
Take the following example unique for a building: “[+1 Food] from [Deer] tiles [in this city]”.
In its “placeholder” form, this is “[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles [cityFilter]”.
‘stats’ can accept any list of stats, e.g. ‘-2 Gold, +1 Science’, ‘+3 Culture’, etc. ‘tileFilter’ can accept any number of tile parameters, for example:
- Base terrain, e.g. ‘Plains’
- Terrain type, for example: ‘Land’/’Water’
- Terrain features e.g. ‘Forest’
- Improvements e.g. ‘Mine’
- Resources e.g. ‘Iron’.
‘cityFilter’ can accept ‘in this city’, ‘in all cities’, ‘in capital’, ‘in coastal cities’, etc.
There are also filters for units, and all acceptable values are well documented for modders.
Unique management with Enums
The further along we go, the more generic the uniques become, and the more of them there are. Older uniques become new ones, by being merged or made more generic, and the older ones are deprecated.
Deprecation notices are put on Discord, but a one-time message is easy to miss, and if you come back after a while you don’t know what’s changed.
Modders discover during gameplay that the values they put for uniques were incorrect.
All these problems are solved with a single solution — since all uniques are defined by their text, we can create an enum with ALL existing uniques, which lets us:
- Find all usages of a unique in the IDE instantly
- Mark deprecated uniques as such using
@Deprecated("as of <versionNumber">)
for devs (and modders!) - Compare uniques using enum values, which is faster
What’s more, with a little bit of autodetection magic, we can determine the type of the parameter using its text.
Using the above example, “[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles [cityFilter]”, we can tell by the names of the parameters what each one is supposed to be.
We can then check at loading time for each unique, if its parameter values matches the parameter type it’s supposed to have, which lets us catch incorrect parameters.
The “autodetection” of parameter types for translations can also be fed from here, leading to much more accurate translation texts — instead of detecting from an example (e.g. “Requires a [Library] in all cities” from the json), we now use a dev-inputted value like “Requires a [buildingName] in all cities”. This allows us to accept multiple types, like for e.g. “Requires [buildingName/techName/policyName]”.
Deprecated values can be detected due to the @Deprecated
annotation, and can be displayed to the modders when loading the mod, together with the correct replacement. At later stages of deprecation — when the unique is no longer active — we can display this information to users as well, as a way of putting pressure on modders to fix what’s broken.
Beyond the existing filters for units, buildings, tiles etc, there are some conditions that are global. For example, uniques that take effect when the empire is happy; when a tech has been researched; when the empire is at war; etc. Rather than being ‘built in’ to specific uniques, these conditions can be seen as extensions of existing uniques and thus globally relevant.
For example, instead of “[+1 Production] [in all cities] when empire is happy”, we can extract the conditional to “[+1 Production] [in all cities] <when empire is happy>”.
Not only does this turn the conditional into an extra piece that can be added onto the end of any other unique, it also turns the ‘extra’ unique back into a regular “[stats] [cityFilter]” unique
What’s next?
We already have a map of what uniques can be put on what objects — it won’t take much to add that check as well and warn against uniques that are put on the wrong sorts of objects.
Once we build the full inventory of the uniques, instead of the wiki page that needs to be updated manually we’ll be able to generate a list of all acceptable uniques and their parameters directly from the source of truth. Put that in a webpage, add hover-links for each parameter type, generate and upload to every version, and watch the magic happen.
Open source means that everyone involved is sacrificing some of their own time. If you want translations, you need to make it simple for translators. If you want a modding community, you need to make it both simple and extendable for modders.
You can treat these as extra parts to be dealt with by those parts of your community.
But treat your modders and translators as first-class citizens, and not only will the community grow far beyond your expectation — they’ll blow you away with their ingenuity :)